Hello, I'm Kim
A graphic designer, creative thinker, and photographer. I create experiences, connect the dots and make the complex simple and easy to understand.
Graphic design to me, is more than just a logo or a brochure. It's everything working together to create an experience and tell a story. I enjoy my craft most working alongside in-house marketing departments and nonprofits in their mission to make a difference in the world and improve lives.
I love exploring the northwest in my Green-stream, trail running, and hiking.

Woof, Meet Montana
The newest member of the team. Responsibilities include door greeter, mascot, companion and security.
For fun, Montana can be found outside, or in her favorite office chair catching some zzz's. She live for long walks in the park, frequent naps and stinky things.
Years Experience
Cups of Coffee
Design is about making something easy to use, or easy to understand.Dean Vipond
I strive for two things in design: simplicity and clarity. Great design is born of those two things.Lindon Leader
Good design is inclusive design.Ashleigh Axios